Flat roof Spring maintenance

Here at JMS Roofing, we are Birmingham’s leading roofing experts. From green roofs, to domestic and commercial roofing, we are the experts you can rely on. We install and repair the full range of roofs, including flat roofs. But how can you keep on top of your flat roof maintenance, to help increase its longevity? Well, this is our guide to flat roof Spring maintenance.

Debris and litter

On a flat roof, debris and litter can easily begin to pile up, especially if you are in a windy place. Tree branches and leaves can all cause a real problem for your flat roof. In fact, it can increase the chance of your roof becoming water logged, or even leaking. As a result, you should sweep your roof this Spring, before the April showers set in. Or before the snow returns!


A flat roof is extremely exposed to all the elements. This means that simple thermal changes, causing the material to expand and contract, can lead to cracks appearing. Over time, these cracks will only increase in size and will require professional attention before serious water damage is caused. However, if you catch a small crack, you should be able to repair this yourself with a patch kit.

Pipes and gutters

The pipes and gutters around your flat roof can become clogged with debris. This means that they will not be able to take the water away from your home effectively, and could cause water to build up on your roof. As a result, checking the pipes and gutters should also be a priority when checking your flat roof. You can use a hosepipe to make sure that water is flushing properly out your down-pipes, and to provide enough water power to remove any debris that might be lodged inside.

For more information, or professional advice, get in touch with the experts today, here at JMS Roofing.