Living, Green, Sedum Roofs

JMS are experienced at the design of green roofs. With our staff obtaining BSc degree s in Environmental biology we are the perfect solution advise you on plant species, planting and plant care in order to grow a successful green roof and increase the biodiversity of your development.

With our wealth of roofing knowledge you can rest assured your installation is expertly installed.

Although commonly termed green roofs, these roofs are more accurately described as ‘living roofs’ as their planting can vary according to the objectives. Intensive living roofs tend to be green and involve heavier planting of trees and shrubs primarily as an amenity to make up for lack of green space in urban environments.

Extensive living roofs are primarily developed for environmental reasons- reducing the urban heat island effects, reducing surface run off water, providing insulation, improving air quality and improving biodiversity. Those developed especially for biodiversity are sometimes called brown roofs or eco-roofs.

Every enviroment and site is individual and our experts can advise species for successful colonization and manageable maintenance.

Roof structures are obviously of great concern and our structural experts assess all structures prior to design and installation.


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