Your Guide to Commercial and Domestic Roof Maintenance

roofing in Birmingham

Here at JMS Roofing in Birmingham, we offer a full and completely professional approach to your commercial and domestic roof maintenance and repair work. But what can you do as the property owner to keep on top of your roof maintenance? Here is our roof maintenance guide.

1. Always put your safety first. Slips, trips and falls are the number one health and safety hazard in any industry. Falling from height can be a huge risk and could be lethal. As a result, we recommend that you never climb onto the roof of your property alone. Ask a colleague or friend to hang around while you check out your roof. If you are not confident with a ladder at such a height, contact a professional roofing team.

2. Check out your roof from ground level with binoculars. This will give you a close up view of the tiling and flashing. We recommend that you implement this twice a year.

3. Take a look through your loft access door. This can reveal any daylight or rain penetration, which would indicate flashing damage. As a result, you would need to hire a professional to make sure your roof is fully sealed.

4. One of the most obvious indicators of necessary roof work is broken tiles on the ground. This is a definite sign that you need to contact a roofing specialist. Consequently, if your area is experiencing high winds or bad weather, make sure you take a trip outside and check the ground not just the roof.

5. Every autumn you should check your roof and gutters for moss, leaves and plants and remove these. These can appear over the warmer weather and over winter they will retain a lot of moisture. As a result, this will cause frost damage when the temperatures drop.

6. Make sure you don’t forget to check for mortar droppings. These are often seen in the guttering and can indicate that your pointing is wearing away. This means that water can enter your home and cause damp.

In summary

Your roof maintenance shouldn’t take too long but it can save you time and money, by revealing necessary repairs before too much damage occurs. If you need any help or advice with roofing in Birmingham, contact us at JMS Roofing.