Why do flat roofs need gradients?

Here at JMS Roofing we are Birmingham’s leading roofing experts. From steel over cladding to warm and cold roofs we can provide the perfect roof for your property. And this is our guide to everything you should know about the necessity of a gradient for a flat roof.

So, why do flat roofs need gradients?

When creating a flat roof for any building or property, from a small domestic extension or outbuilding, to a large commercial or industrial property, it is absolutely essential that the roof is not actually flat. In fact, a gradient is necessary. By why is this? Well, there are a number of reasons, including:

  • Water drainage- flat roofs generally have a very small gradient. This is so small the roof will look and feel flat, but the slight difference is just enough to ensure that water drains off the roof and into the guttering or drainage system effectively. Without such a gradient, standing water and ponding can cause a severe structural issue.
  • Meeting building standards- for most commercial, industrial and residential properties, any flat roof refurbishments or construction will need to built with a gradient to meet the building standards. This is essential for insurance purposes as well as building security.

How can you create a gradient for a flat roof?

There are a number of ways that a flat roof gradient can be created during the construction and installation process. These include:

  • Using tapered insulation- for a warm roof design, tapered insulation is an easy way to create the right gradient for your flat roof. This is insulation that itself is tapered in thickness, so that one end is thicker than the other.
  • Firring strips- these are battens cut at an angle and placed on top of the roof joists to create the right gradient.

For more information about green roofing for your property, get in touch with the experts today, here at JMS Roofing.