Support for Solar – 57% reduction in emissions by 2032!


The Government is expected to adopt the UK’s fifth carbon budget to require a 57% reduction in emissions by 2032 compared to the levels recorded in 1990 according to The Solar Trade Association.

However, whilst it’s all well and good, it has also said that the important short and medium term questions remain.

Advice last November from The Committee on Climate Change stated that the Government should set a suitable budget to follow the lowest cost path for the long term target and to avoid stop start investment.

They previously pointed to a weakening of policies after the election, including the cancellation of Zero Carbon homes and pointedly expressed their concerns about the growing shortfall in delivering the fourth carbon budget regarding 2023-2017.

The Chairman of The Solar Trade Association – Jonathan Selwyn, who is also the Director of Solar Consulting said: “The Solar Trade Association very much welcomes the strong support expressed for solar by the Committee on Climate Change and by the Minister in her evidence to the House of Commons Energy.”

However, in his meeting last week with Minister Andrea Leadsom, they urged her department to take specific actions to address the significant slowdown in the industry following the changes in the solar support framework – as they believe that a number of minor changes could help to stimulate the market.

The path they are on today to subsidise the future by the early 2020’s needs a flourishing UK industry and a Government that fully supports and allows them to compete fair and square.

As a company, we fully support an energy decrease in emissions and a movement towards a greener future for you and your family. As long as everyone works together, we can achieve this as a team!