3 Tips on How to keep your Roof Safe this Winter!

Having a home means staying on top of the maintenance work in and around it – and sometimes it’s easy to forget to do it. Especially during the wintertime, it’s always best to stay on top of things and if any work needs doing, it’s best to get out of the way beforehand.

Below we have listed the top three best ways on how to stay on top of your roof maintenance this Winter!

Get it Checked Beforehand

Make sure you inspect your roof fully before winter starts. This includes your gutters, skylights, vents for any leaks and damages that may have occurred. You can use specialist equipment to do this to get a concrete result but you can always call a professional for you own peace of mind. If you do experience any issues, you can get them sorted straight away!

Clear your Gutters

Gutters can get backed up during anytime of the year so it’s always best to keep an eye on it. If you live in an area where there’s heavy snow, your gutters can get damaged so make sure they are properly cared for and maintained well so avoid any damages, leaks and cracks. Don’t work in any serious conditions and always have somebody watching you.

Removing Snow and Debris

Your roofs are designed to melt any snow that comes into contact with it by using the shingles to help remove it. Many people believe that you must keep removing the snow from your roof during the winter, this isn’t true. The only time you would need to do this is if you experience a particularly heavy snowfall that dumps mounds of snow onto your roof. This rarely happens but always keep an eye out.
Follow these steps for a stress free Christmas!